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Mo… mo… mo… Mozart

concert number 9



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Overture and duo Cinque… dieci… venti… trenta… (Figaro and Susanna) from act I of the opera Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492 [7’]
Aria Deh vieni, non tardar (Susanna) from act IV of opera Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492 [4’]
Recitativo and aria Hai già vinta la causa!Vedrò mentre io sospiro (Count) from act III of the opera Le Nozze di Figaro, K.492 [5’]
Don Giovanni Overture, K.527 [5’]
Duo Là ci darem la mano (Zerlina and Don Giovanni) from act I of the opera Don Giovanni, K.527 [4’]
Così fan tutte Overture, K.588 [5’]
Concert aria Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo, K.584 (originally Guglielmo’s aria from act I of the opera Così fan tutte, K.588) [5’]
Recitativo and Concert Aria Ch’io mi scordi di te? – Non temer, amato bene, K.505 [10’]
Pas Seul, excerpts of ballet music from the opera Idomeneo, K.367 [5’]

Concert description

Mozart loved amorous intrigue. For his operas, he usually chose librettos describing the adventures of beautiful ladies, maids and servants seduced by bachelors with not always pure intentions or pursuing their own plans and ambitions. And nothing develops a romantic plot like a love aria or the singing by two lovers.

The duet opening The Marriage of Figaro gushes with sincere joy – the characters in love, preparing for a life together, do not even think about what will soon befall them. The perpetrator of their misfortunes will soon become the Count, who is as influential as he is morally corrupt, and whose character is brilliantly reflected in the recitative and aria from Act II. Similarly, Zerlina’s innocence and naiveté contrasts with cunning of the shameless amante Don Giovanni in their joint duet Là ci darem la mano.

But what would a love intrigue be without humor – in Mozart’s operas we have it in abundance. Musical wit and lightness pervade the fast-paced parts of the overtures, as well as – for example – the concert aria Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo. Convinced of his uniqueness, Guglielmo sings a list of his qualities. It is impossible, then, that his beloved could ever betray him. Right?

– Karolina Dąbek (pisanezesluchu.pl)